The QARTAGE hotel best one of the hotels and considers this the hotel in Libyan Jamahiriya in the historic city . They now experience puts complete one dependent hotels in the QARTAGE hotel and to her aimed to that as they knew best shade in this regard residence wishing tasteful for all an inn and. That as all which descended in one hotels knew the hospitality composed perpetually at handsome to stay in the introduction .
Contain the QARTAGE hotel all suites contain on three rooms in the hotel floors on the hotel suites system on 27 divided rooms in addition to integrated pigeons and a saloon ate with a table for sitting. In the wing hall and a device a seen television presents the international satellite channels on according to the occupant desire.. And all suites contain on three rooms the rooms be divided on the suites system shape in the hotel floors be divided and. The rooms we have to rooms dual and rooms tripartite and assets differs in her in the rooms from a room to an other according to the available service kind .
Consider restaurants hotel QARTAGE best the restaurants in tobruk Libya be divided to two sections western restaurants and eastern restaurants seek inmates in the western meals best presentation to a satisfaction all the occupants. Eastern chef big cook.. As the restaurants pullout also in a preparation all banquets official and ordinary in addition to a preparation all needs and occasions students and the companies and the offices and the institutions and the local festivals.. And the QARTAGE hotel restaurants conduct in the sportive meals preparation also for the sporting clubs and the difference specialized chefs conduct in the meals in preparation sportive and special in sportive.. And QARTAGE restaurants following cafes in two kinds and western type and oriental a pullout in the beverages best presentation hot and cold a rest seeks the customer for an accomplishment perpetually.. And conduct the confectionery divided western in unhappy and east from the candies in the kinds best preparation in the QARTAGE restaurants western bake and oriental , and straighten the confectionery divided all QARTAGE hotel restaurants needs in providing in addition to providing. All occasions needs and the parties in all beautiful kinds eastern and western..
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